CBUB / Database / Horror / S / Shane Walsh

Shane Walsh

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Added by: AVP vs The Terminator

Read more about Shane Walsh at: Wikipedia

Official Site: AMC

Shane Walsh is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Jon Bernthal in the American television series of the same name.

In the comic series, Shane is portrayed as a Cynthiana Sheriff's Deputy, as well as the longtime friend and fellow police officer of series protagonist Rick Grimes. After Rick is shot and put into a coma, and the zombie outbreak occurs, he rescues Rick's family and leads a group of survivors, becoming romantically involved with Rick's wife Lori. When Rick returns to his family alive, Shane grows increasingly jealous of their relationship, as well as Rick's increasing leadership over the group, resulting in him confronting Rick and is eventually killed by Rick's son Carl. After the group realizes that the dead can reanimate without being bitten or scratched, Rick returns weeks after, digs up Shane's burial site and kills Shane as a walker.

In the television series, Shane is the primary deuteragonist of the show. He is initially shown as a secondary protagonist in the first season, acting as a de facto leader until Rick's arrival and eventually assisting Rick's decisions. However, the reunion was never completely amicable and in the second season, he had developed into the show's primary antagonist, becoming more aggressive and unpredictable in his envy over Rick's leadership and a growing obsession over his past relationship with Lori. Shane is later killed by Rick when he turns against him. Carl then shoots him after he is reanimated into a Walker.

Shane was a police officer in Cynthiana, Kentucky, and best friend of the town's deputy sheriff, Rick Grimes. After Rick is shot and put into a coma, and the dead begin to rise, Shane accompanies Rick's wife, Lori Grimes, and his son, Carl, to a purported safe zone in Atlanta, Georgia. They later form a group of survivors living on the outskirts of the city, with Shane repeatedly telling them that the government will one day return to save them. During this time, Shane and an emotionally destitute Lori share a night of sex, something Shane had wanted for a long time.

Shane Walsh Shane Walsh Shane Walsh

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